Are You Really Sick Or Is It All In Your Mind?

Men are mere mortals who can be as tough as a horse but also get sick at times. Our bodies can only do so much depending on how much we take good care of it. Meanwhile, we can get diseases that are out of the norm and affect the mind. Many times we doubt its existence, wondering whether it is just us or there is really something wrong with us after all.

What you need to know is that you may actually be sick but you don’t know it yet or are probably too embarrassed to get yourself checked and be seen by a doctor. When it comes to your health, nothing is irrelevant or too embarrassing to ask. And the truth is, knowing what is really wrong with you is better than staying clueless yet depressed until something terribly bad happens to you. After all, prevention still prevails to be better than cure.

We’ve probably all experienced physical reactions to psychological triggers. That hot flush that creeps across your cheeks when embarrassed; the gut-wrenching nausea that hits when you receive bad news; palpitations when nervous…

These are known as ‘psychosomatic’ physical symptoms where there’s no obvious medical cause, and