Migrant Workers Help Eradicate Poverty In Their Home Countries

Poverty is the main reason people leave their hometowns in search of greener pasture. They fight the loneliness and homesickness they feel to be thousands of miles away from loved ones as they toil to earn money to send back home. It’s the life story of many migrant workers right now. They may often post the glamorous life of living abroad but deep down, they actually feel sad and blue to not see their family and friends at the end of the day.

It is not always easy working in a foreign land. At times, you have to work double or even triple jobs just so you can earn more and be able to send more money to their families. Migrant workers often scrimp on themselves and deny themselves of certain luxuries for the same reason – to save more money. And it seems that their hard work is finally paying off as their remittance helps alleviate poverty in their own countries.

Migrants working in rich countries sent home almost half a trillion dollars in 2016, helping to lift families out of poverty by providing financial stability, access to education, housing and healthcare, according to a global report.

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Helping The Poor Overcome Poverty

The world has never been fair. You know very well how different the life of one born in poverty and one born in luxury regardless if you lives centuries ago or living in the present. While you can’t choose your family, you have a chance to improve the quality of your life as you age especially if you are educated or talented with great gifts. However, the odds are high if you are poor because education is expensive and talents often need to be harnessed over time unless you are exceptionally good.

Although it is easier to discover raw talent now with the help of social media and there are more opportunities for work depending on your industry, the life of the poor remains the same. Most poor workers work on the most menial of jobs and get their hands dirty for a measly amount in return. And as such, they are trapped in a cycle of poverty throughout their lifetime and so on and so forth. In times of need, they may commit crimes to put food on the table or save the life of a loved one.

Crime and joblessness are directly related. 

A person does the crime,